A Fox cub (Tod) and a Hound puppy (Copper) meet by chance in the woods, they become the best of friends - despite the fact that they are supposed to be natural enemies. Copper is scolded by his master for being absent from the farm, and is tied to a post, this leads Tod into great danger when he comes to find out why Copper hasn't come to the woods to play.
Nicely animated and self-contained extract which with luck will edit directly onto the second extract due out soon. Set in the 'deep ol' south' (I think) it has some instantly recognizable Disney voices on the track - at a guess I would say those used in 'Robin Hood', 'The Rescuers' etc. (Sterling Holloway and Co.")
As a self contained extract it works very well, and not having seen the feature yet it's not possible to comment on whether this is 'choice' material or not. Suffice to say that it's very pleasant and mildly amusing, the opening sequence containing one of the film's songs, The Best Of Friends.
This first extract was an instant hit with my youngest son, Andrew.
Distributed by: Walt Disney Home
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This page was last updated 02 Dec 2002