Boris Karloff
Elsa Lanchester
Directed by: James Whale
Dr. Frankenstein decides to create a mate for his monster, but when this bride meets her prospective husband she finds him less than attractive!
A good example of what can be done with a well edited one reeler. This version opens with the grave robbers, goes straight into the creation sequence, then has the 'introduction' of the 'monsters' and the final destruction.
The overall effect is quite coherent and a satisfying souvenir of the original - all in 8-2m. Incidentally, for those with the 400' version, there is footage in this one reeler that is not in the longer version.
Print quality is good, but the review print supplied was printed out of rack, and on this reviewers projector (a Norris) it was impossible to get rid of the top rack bar. Good sound. GW.
(It was just possible to get rid of the rack bar on my Elmo GS 1200- KW)
Distributed in the UK by: Derann
Films. |
The above review was printed in Super Eight Film Review issue
9. |
This page was last updated 02 Dec 2002