First is the black and white teaser to 'The Blair Witch Project'.
Nothing much to report here, very little information or action but a good bit of screaming at the end of its all too short running time.
'Deep Blue Sea' how- ever is a completely different kettle of fish!!! For me, this rates as one of the great modem trailers to appear on Super 8.
Outstanding action sequences intercut with slow motion and effects shots combine to create an extremely repeatable short. I must have run this over twenty times already and I still don't seem to be tiring of it.
The film may not be particularly good but the trailer is a 'reel' winner.
Sound on the review print is excellent but it is the picture that makes the reel - sharp as tack and not the slightest hint of unsteadiness. Make sure you pick up a copy.
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This page was last updated 02 Dec 2002