APPOINTMENT IN HONDURAS is the story of a man with a mission. On the outcome of it depends the freedom of a country. To execute his trust, he is forced to team up with a murderous band of Latin American cut-throats and. in addition, kidnap and hold as hostages an inrxacmt man, and his wife.
Surrounded by treacherous companions and pursued by relentless enemies seeking his death, he undertakes an almost super-human trek through the wilderness of a dense. disease-ridden, animal-infested Central American jungle to complete his mission.
The element of danger builds suspense as Steve Corbett (Glenn Ford), carrying a vast sum of money to a deposed president of a small country to help restore that country's rightful government, commits piracy. Making use of criminals- Rodolfo Acosta, Jack Elam, Ric Roman and Rico Alaniz- whom he frees from a ship's hold, he forces the captain of the ship to land him on wild stretch of Honduras coastline.
He takes Harry and Sylvia Sheppard (Zachary Scott and Ann Sheridan) as hostages.
Corbett forces his companions to undertake the trek to his rendezvous site. The criminals, knowing Corbett carries a huge sum of cash, plan to kill him. Sheppard, jealous of his wife's attentions to Corbett, teams with the criminals against Corbett. The trip is started up a jungle river via small row boat.
Meanwhile, the leader of the revolution hears of Corbett's landing and offers a reward for Corbett's death.
Corbett and his treacherous companions fight their way through the virgin wilderness facing unbearable heat, fierce pumas, crocodiles, man-eating ants, tiger fish, a cloud of hornets, rain storms and a jungle fire.
Adding to Corbett's woes is Sylvia Sheppard, who, having planned to divorce her husband, falls madly in love with Corbett.
Complication after complication blocks the pathway of Corbett as he pushes, and forces those with him, to his ultimate destination with the troops of the revolutionary forces breathing down their necks.
Suspense holds forth until the very last instant of the film's logical but happy conclusion.
Distributed by: Unknown |
This page was last updated 02 Dec 2002