If you have a problem perhaps another reader of Movie Maker can solve it for you. In turn you may be able to help someone else. This column will display your needs and offers, and there is no charge for insertion. But announcements of equipment for sale and wanted must continue to be in the classified advertisement section.
Mr Jack Ryding of 48 Hillcrest Avenue, Ingol, Preston, Lancs, would like to contact a fellow 8mm enthusiast and owner of a four-track recorder with a view to tape- sponding. My Ryding owns a Bolex P1 camera, widescreen lens and Eurnig 709 Projector. He has won 2 and 3 star awards in the Ten Best competition and thinks the 3 star award was a fluke.
Mr C. Thompson of 8 Bruckle Lane, Bloxham, Banbury, Oxon is trying to trace a 100ft reel of l6mm Kodachrome II film which has views of Heythorp College, Oxon, and a football match. The film was mislaid by Kodak at the processing station and Mr Thompson would very much like to hear from any reader who may have received it in error.
Mr W. G. Key of 92 Crosby Avenue, Scunthorpe, Lincs has instruction manuals for the Quartz-M and Hanimex Reflex Zoom 8 cameras which he is offering to any reader who sends him a stamped addressed envelope. Mr Key would also like to buy or borrow an instruction book for the Eumig C6 and would be very interested to hear details of any spares and accessories for this camera that might be for sale.
Mr J. Ward of M.G.M. Salon, Edinburgh House, Town Centre, East Kilbride, Glas- gow is anxious to hear from any reader who can help him obtain a viewing magazine which gives through-the-lens focusing on the Kodak l6mm. camera reviewed by Arthur Smith in our January issue.
Mr A. G. Lowman of 42 Hartley Road, North End, Portsmouth, Hants has a spool of Kodachrome II super 8 film that he found in Portsmouth. It shows a wedding, with the bride in white, the father, best man and groom in morning suits, and ends with the bride and groom driving off in a red car. Any reader who has lost a film of this description should contact Mr Lowman at the above address.
Mr E. A. Hicks of Flat 6, 20 Cautley Avenue, Claphain, London SW4 would like to hear from any reader who has an instruction book for the Admira 8F standard 8mm. camera that he can buy or borrow for one week.
Mr D. M. Anderson, of 74 Green Street, Tahunandi, Nelson, New Zealand would like to hear from movie makers in other parts of the world with a view to starting a regular correspondence about film making and general topics.
This page was last updated 02 Dec 2002